My eyes are killing me. My allergies have been sooooo bad lately. With me, it’s all about the itchy eyes and fuzzy head. I don’t usually get a stuffy nose, which is good, I guess. Still, the eye thing is so annoying. It’s nearly impossible not to rub them.
At the bookstore this weekend, I picked up a book about skincare and dermatology and looked up "dark undereye circles." I’ve assumed all year that they were related to lack of sleep, but hell, I haven’t been sleeping enough for a while now, and the circles just popped up last summer. Apparently, the main cause of dark undereye circles is allergies, which completely makes sense. The rubbing breaks blood vessels and basically, you end up giving yourself a slow black eye… at least that was Aaron’s take on it. I think he might be right. My eyes aren’t puffy, and there aren’t bags. Just dark ugliness. I hate it. I want them to go away, but I’m already taking Zyrtec. I don’t know what else to try. It’s pissing me off!
Itchy yet unattractive!