Adventures with Dr. Lady Cutie Troublemaker

Life is in flux BIG TIME these days. I want to keep in touch with all of my peeps. The Internet is this beautiful thing. I can move to a brand new city and still stay in easy, near-daily contact with the people I love. When I feel connected to the people in my life that matter, I am unstoppable!

The Big Wind-Down

By Abby at 1:44 pm on Monday, August 8, 2005

10 more days of internship. TEN MORE DAYS!!! I will have a Ph.D., a six-figure (yes SIX-figure) student loan debt, and a world of Memphian experience behind me, plus all that stuff I did in Indiana. I can’t believe it’s all finally ending. It’s been a REALLY long year. There’s still so much paperwork to do. Case conceptualizations and logs and evaluations and such. I hate paperwork, and I picked a terrible field for it. We have to document every stupid thing. I’m about to head into supervision. I’m really happy to not have too many more meetings with this one. I can’t go into it, but trust me on this one. I dread every meeting.

Filed under: Memphis,Moving,Professional Life2 Comments »

The Yard Sale

By Abby at 6:43 am on Monday, August 8, 2005

We advertised an 8am start, and the people started arriving at 6:45am. We never even had a chance to eat breakfast. It was packed most of the day. After what seemed like hours of activity (me mostly greeting people, selling, and taking money, and Aaron bringing more and more stuff down), Aaron said it was noon. I thought, "Yeah. I’m hungry. Only two more hours." Turns out it was really 8:50am, and the clock had stopped. We ended up with $1,400 in our pockets! (It’ll all go to paying off bills to get us out of here, but it’s $1,400 we didn’t have before!) I’ve never seen anything like it! By the end, we were giving stuff away. Anyone in Memphis need a free microwave? Mine didn’t sell. I want to keep it for myself (might as well) until I go, but if you’re willing to wait a coupla weeks, it’s yours.

BTW, if you’re ever in Nashville, I highly recommend Obie’s pizza. It’s seriously some of the best pizza I’ve ever had. Since we couldn’t ever leave the sale, ordering pizza was a must!

Filed under: Moving4 Comments »

Finding an Apartment and Other Things

By Abby at 6:50 pm on Sunday, July 31, 2005

This is exactly what Aaron and I did, and it worked beautifully! The only hitch is that sometimes, Bloglines doesn’t update quickly enough. Some mornings, I just went straight to CL. Speaking of hitches, that movie Hitch wasn’t half bad. I don’t see a lot of movies these days, and I was so pleased to not have wasted my time. Thanks, Will Smith. 😛

My parents and Aaron were here this weekend. After Friday’s bash, we spent all day Saturday and half of Sunday packing the place up. They were enormously helpful, although packing is never free of stress. Now the move feels almost manageable, although there is still loads of paperwork to do. Hey, at least I got me some Dish, Blue Plate, and Automatic Slim’s cuisine. Thanks, Mom and Dad!

Sorry for the ramble. So tired. So very, very tired! 

Filed under: Boston,Family,Food,Memphis,Moving,Ramblings/Brain Dumps/Opinions,Uncategorized2 Comments »

Best Blogger Bash Ever!

By Abby at 10:27 pm on Friday, July 29, 2005

Even if Rachel did duck into dinner across the street! Whatevs…

I’m too tired for captions and links and such, but this ought to hold you for a little bit! Someone else should do a little blog roll if you’re up tonight! And you should all add yourself to my little guest map.

Filed under: Blog Announcements,Friends,Memphis,Moving,Pictures13 Comments »

Attn Memphis Bloggers: Friday, 7/29

By Abby at 7:15 pm on Saturday, July 16, 2005

OK, Blogger Bash on Friday, July 29th. I’m really excited, because there’s finally a reason to do a poll. It will look like this:

I know it’s not all that exciting, but I’ve been writing the same report night and day for a week. Comparatively, this poll thing is a blast. You can practice voting on this one if you want! Mostly, I’d like you to make suggestions for a location. I do love the Bar-B-Q Shop, but it isn’t exactly the most conducive for socializing. What would be ideal is a big-ass round table! Where would that be, kids?

Update: Fixed the thingy. Will post a new poll now.

Filed under: Memphis,Moving7 Comments »
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