Adventures with Dr. Lady Cutie Troublemaker

Life is in flux BIG TIME these days. I want to keep in touch with all of my peeps. The Internet is this beautiful thing. I can move to a brand new city and still stay in easy, near-daily contact with the people I love. When I feel connected to the people in my life that matter, I am unstoppable!


By Abby at 7:29 pm on Saturday, August 21, 2004

I’m here! I’m here! I’m frickin’ exhausted! The moving party was a complete success. I have amazing friends. More about that in a few days. After the great U-Haul packing, the cleaning took all damn day. I didn’t see the people I meant to see that last night. Instead, I got in "bed" (actually the air mattress) at 9pm and was actually up most of the night feeling rather unwell. Details are really not worth sharing.

I made my getaway at 4:30am and arrived here at 2:30pm. Aaron drove the entire way while I tried to soothe the sedated yet stubbornly awake and crabby cats. They didn’t enjoy the trip at all. They are doing pretty well now though. Unpacking has begun. There is one green wall and one orange-yellow wall now.

I have to go… the movers from Atlanta are finally here, and my mother has wandered off to find my Dad, who (of course) wandered off. I can’t believe the are here! They overshot the distance and ended up in Arkansas.

OK. Gotta go tell them where to put stuff. This is exhausting! But my apartment is AWESOME and quirky! More details when there is time.

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Moving Agita

By Abby at 9:33 pm on Friday, August 13, 2004

I can hear Jeepers in the other room. Meep… where is my shelf with the carpeting? Meep… why have you moved the kitchen table? Meep… what’s all this stuff in the middle of the floor? Meep… why did you move the TV over? Meep… what are you doing to my home?

And Maggie… I think she almost had a heart attack when I moved the refrigerator over to clean behind it, pushed it back, and there were about 10 foil ball. FOIL BALLS! OHBOYOHBOYOHBOY!! Chirp, chirp, chirp. Time for my soccer practice. That was fun for a while until she started sniffing around the left side of the fridge, causing both a mop AND a broom to… TIMBER… hurtle towards her. She scampered out and is now sacked out in the study over in this corner, a corner that hasn’t been changed much. Jeep has been spending most of her time in the bedroom. It’s another place in the house that still looks “normal.”

I wish I could talk to them and tell that what is happening. They seem so nervous and on edge. Am I projecting? I don’t think so, but I certainly get a little antsy about it all. Mostly I just want to be there, and I want to be moved in. I’m sick of boxes and tape and cleaning supplies and big black markers and writing FRAGILE and wondering if my U-Haul will be the right size. I want to be in my new place with everything from here sorted further and put away. I want all the stuff coming from Atlanta to be there and sorted and put away. I want to lie down on the sofa after having eaten a meal I cooked in my new kitchen… my new kitchen with a GAS STOVETOP (w00t!)… and I just want to chill. No packing, no unpacking, no arranging, no dissertation, just me and the girls, comfy in our new digs.

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Notes about the Sofa Photo Series

By Abby at 4:16 pm on Wednesday, July 28, 2004

There is a large gap between pictures two and three in the sofa series below. Thing is, I was a bit busy during that time and was unable to take pictures. The plan was that Chris was going to lift the sofa straight up vertically, then put it on his head and walk it up the ladder. Aaron would meanwhile be pulling the sofa up from the roof. Since neither Chris nor Aaron are superheroes, they needed a little help.

Chris did lift that sofa up vertically, but he needed someone to guide it past the place where the two parts of the ladder meet… In other words, there was a little bump to get past. Chris’s wife and I each got on either side, and while he lifted vertically, we each guided the sofa (which was basically flailing in the air) past the bump. Once it was past that, I reached down and lifted the sofa up as well while Chris’s wife held the ladder stable.

I couldn’t believe that Chris actually walked up the ladder with that sofa on his head, even if Aaron was pulling from the top! Once the sofa was on Chris’s head, I took off! I raced through the backyard, out the gate, up the stairs, on to the porch, then up Aaron’s stairs, out the kitchen to the roof where the sofa was just arriving. Aaron had managed to pull it up, but there was still the matter of getting it over the edge of the roof. While Aaron continuted to pull and Chris continued to push, I lifted the sofa out over the edge, so it wasn’t scraping along the roof anymore. I got it far enough past that Chris was able to climb up on to the roof.

All that between pictures two and three!

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Through the Kitchen Door

By Abby at 4:13 pm on Wednesday, July 28, 2004

4. Sofa thinking it’s going to go through the door. Little does it know, that door will first have to come off the frame. Posted by Hello

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Sofa on the Roof!

By Abby at 4:13 pm on Wednesday, July 28, 2004

3. Sofa on the rooftop! Posted by Hello

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