Adventures with Dr. Lady Cutie Troublemaker

Life is in flux BIG TIME these days. I want to keep in touch with all of my peeps. The Internet is this beautiful thing. I can move to a brand new city and still stay in easy, near-daily contact with the people I love. When I feel connected to the people in my life that matter, I am unstoppable!

Krispy Kreme Challenge Video and Pictures

By Abby at 1:46 am on Sunday, January 28, 2007

Run 2 miles, eat a dozen donuts, run 2 more miles. Try not to puke.

Krispy Kreme Donut Challenge, 2007 on Vimeo
Also on YouTube

and lots of pictures!

Update: There’s another post about this, including more video right here.

Filed under: Pictures,Raleigh and the Triangle,Video8 Comments »

Life, Rollerderby, Flickr, New Friends, Maternal Visitor

By Abby at 11:52 pm on Friday, January 26, 2007

Engelfish's People at the Bout

I’ve met some really fine photographers through Flickr since I’ve moved here. Chris’s pictures consistently impress me, especially his portraits. I keep looking at the one of me above and wonder if he retouched my skin, or if it really has gotten that much better since I moved here. Chris, his wife Taryn, Brian and Shannon (another married couple in the group who like going to gigs like me), plus a whole host of other Flickr folks are very social. When I’m out with them, I can ask them how they have their camera set for different light. It’s ideal for me: I’m learning how to do something better while I’m meeting great people. I love it! What was really cool was that I went to Sunday’s bout with Xopher, ran into Drew who was filming, and also saw all these Flickr people I know. The world here is starting to get smaller and more manageable. It’s what I was hoping for. I had so much fear before I left Boston, but now I really think moving here was the right thing to do.

While my social life here is going very well, I’m still not making enough progress in the job hunt/unpacking area. To that end, my mother has come to visit. For the next several days, we will be running important errands, prioritizing, making plans, and generally getting things done. I’m happy to have the structure of another person who knows me well. I need it. I get pretty overwhelmed when I look at the big picture. This is one of those times I need help, and SUPERMOM is here to do just that!

A little rollerderby for those who’ve never seen it. Not my greatest work, but it’s interesting if you’ve never been:

Carolina Rollergirls, Opening Night 2007 Bout on Vimeo

Filed under: Friends,Moving,Pictures,Raleigh and the Triangle,Ramblings/Brain Dumps/Opinions,Video2 Comments »

Welcome back, blog banner and sidebar avatar!

By Abby at 11:41 am on Friday, January 26, 2007
I’ve missed you! Now, to get my dad’s blogs working again. Man, I will never understand this behind-the-scenes database stuff. Give me some software, and I can use the fuck out of it, but creating things that work from the inside out? This is a job for other people. Thanks to all the people helping me get this stuff working right now. You know who you are! Those of you wondering about my dad’s blogs? I’m working on it… a lot. They should both be working very soon. I promise!
Filed under: Blog Announcements,TechnerdlinessComments Off on Welcome back, blog banner and sidebar avatar!

Good Stuff from Other People’s Blogs

By Abby at 1:11 am on Friday, January 26, 2007
  • "New Year’s Resolutions" from Sex and the Ivy (thanks, Jon)
  • "Qualia" from Mynxie. Here’s the best bit, a quote from Pooh:
  • When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

Filed under: Friends,Ramblings/Brain Dumps/Opinions1 Comment »

Blue Flowers on the Bluest Day

By Abby at 11:51 pm on Wednesday, January 24, 2007

1. Vased, 2. Up Close, 3. Neon, 4. Blue Bunch

Remember how I said that Monday was the bluest day of the year? Well, I got some lovely blue flowers that day. Today, I finally got around to photographing them.

I’ve also finally started uploading my pictures from Sunday’s Carolina Rollergirl’s bout. Engelfish and AaronZ have uploaded a number of really GOOD photos of the event, too, and the uploads continue, so keep checking the "carolinarollergirls" tag. Can’t wait to go again. It was a total blast.

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