Adventures with Dr. Lady Cutie Troublemaker

Life is in flux BIG TIME these days. I want to keep in touch with all of my peeps. The Internet is this beautiful thing. I can move to a brand new city and still stay in easy, near-daily contact with the people I love. When I feel connected to the people in my life that matter, I am unstoppable!

I Really Don’t See This Getting Old

By Abby at 9:46 am on Sunday, December 17, 2006

I have a feeling this set of pictures will sharply increase in numbers VERY quickly. I can’t see this kind of beauty and not capture it to share.

Filed under: Kitties,Pictures,Raleigh and the Triangle2 Comments »

Bostonians Gone South

By Abby at 4:42 am on Sunday, December 17, 2006

Bostonians Gone South

Yo, check this out! It’s two Boston Media Makers having dinner in Raleigh, North Carolina. Can ya dig it? We’ve both recently moved away – Carl moved to the DC metro area, and I moved here. It was fun to compare Boston and not-Boston, and MMMMMM, the food at Udupi Cafe (Southern Indian) was OUTSTANDING! A good time was had by all. 😀

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Moving Day: Our Series of Unfortunate Events

By Abby at 12:20 pm on Tuesday, December 12, 2006
An ADD morning. Well, last Monday, I called to get my prescription for my ADD meds sent to Kristin’s house. As of Saturday, it wasn’t there. So I’ve been without for a few days… which is probably why I totally spaced getting the amount of money required from my mom for my rent (they wanted the first 3 months in advance since I’m unemployed and my parents are out of state). So this morning has been a sometimes hilarious, sometimes extraordinarily frustrating series of events. See, the battery on my parents’ electric fence ran down, so the dog got out, and when my mother went to the neighbor’s house in her car to look for the dog, she got her car stuck in some kind of ravine. Dad and Al took off for a nice brunch at a restaurant about 15 miles away – no doubt to get away from the shenanigans back home. However, they were then beckoned to the bank so my dad could sign to have money wired to my new apartment complex. That makes it sound much easier than it was. I had to call my apartment complex’s bank and my apartment complex. Meanwhile my mom was on the phone with her local bank, my out of state bank, and my dad. Dad is now with Al, standing at a bank in North Georgia with the helpful Carla awaiting the wiring instructions from Raleigh since I couldn’t pass them along, as I am not cleared to receive all that kind of secure information. I hope they have something fun to talk about. Otherwise, I will surely be hearing about this for years to come. In the middle of all of these phone calls, I packed my car completely while the cats freaked out, called in another request to have my prescription mailed, and cleared up a double-charge with my now local coffee shop. Later today, this will be a distant memory, and I will be in an unfurnished apartment in Raleigh. But I will have my kitties, and I have a little food, as well as one knife (purchased in JP at Gadgets before I moved since I knew I’d need one), one small pot, and lots of random Indian ingredients!

Lime Rice Accountrements
Jeep and Maggie Watch

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A Little More About Life in Raleigh

By Abby at 2:44 pm on Friday, December 1, 2006

I was mostly offline (except for my phone, which is limited in the sites it can access) for the last two days. It seems an eternity without my sweet, sweet internets! I’m in a cafe borrowing wifi to catch up on everything, upload pictures, etc. Here’s a view of what I’m seeing right this very second:

It’s really rainy out today, and the big news is that I’ve finally found a place to live. Yay! It’s a 6 month lease, too, so if I hate the part of town, come into a lot of money, decide I need to get back to Boston, get recruited to a foreign land, I’m not stuck in a year-long lease. I decided to take a place that is slightly out of the middle of town. The cool center of things is 5 minutes further than it would be if I’d done my normal thing of going with the hipper areas of town. But the last two times I’ve done that, I haven’t been as happy as I’d like to be. This place is quiet, wooded, and on a lake. I have a screened in porch that I know my cats will adore. And for the 650 sq ft (that’s NOT including the porch and outdoor storage closet), I’ll be paying $620 a month. What a deal! I move in on December 12th.

My first trip back to Boston is in a week (for Kristopher’s bday), and I’m going back again for New Year’s Eve. I know that once the new year starts, I will be starting to work and won’t have as much time to take off like this, so I might as well travel while the getting’s good!

This was written yesterday at Christopher’s house, where there is an extremely weak connection to some neighbor, but it wasn’t strong enough to get this posted: The last few days have been pretty interesting. I spent quite a bit of time at Helios Coffee House. It’s a great place to get coffee, food, and free wifi, and on Wednesday nights, they have a (really good) DJ and serve wine. It was quite a scene. I even approached a knitting circle (stitch ‘n’ bitch) and got their opinions about where to live in Raleigh. Hopefully, I can find the sock Anna got me started on so I can join next week. Last night, I met Christopher there, and we headed to Chapel Hill (of UNC fame) to see Dat Politics (“French Electronic Pop”), which was hard to comprehend when I was told about it. And it’s just as hard to describe. The gig was in this extremely groovy space. It’s a bookstore by day, but instead of having rows of books, then are on high shelves that line the room. On one side, there is a diner counter which serves food during that day. At night, the entire place becomes a venue for gigs. When we got there, another great DJ was spinning (how are there so many here?).
The kitchen was closed, but there was an Asian fusion place next door where we picked up some food that we brought back into the gig venue. The opening act was impossible to describe. It was just one woman who began by playing a guitar, but the guitar was fed through a synth so it sounded like a banjo. Her first song was mundane, boring. I thought, “oh no”, but then the whole thing went off in all directions. This plain jane of a woman has a thousand voices, a wicked sense of humor with her lyrics and musical gestures, and considerable skill in creating electronic dance beats on her laptop. The most amusing lyric was something along the lines of “I’m free of hygenic responsibility”.

Normally, I’d add more pictures and links to things, but I’ve been at this cafe for a few hours, and I’m HONGRY, and there’s leftover Indian in the fridge at Christopher’s house!

By the way, have you JP people seen Steve Garfield’s latest upload of old JP home movies? Facinating stuff!

Home movies from the Mutascio Family of Jamaica Plain, MA 1939-1963 Contains moving images of Centre Street, Horse Riding the Jamaicaway, Jamaica Pond, Sledding, a wedding, Franklin Park Zoo. Fleeting moments captured on film. Coutesy of Rick Minot Photography by Samuel Minot Video Transfer and Sound by Steve Garfield For the Jamaica Plain Historical Society

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