Coolest Bride EVER!
OK. It rains ALL DAY on your wedding day, and the whole thing is supposed to be outside. You don’t even flinch. You stand in the rain in your beautiful wedding dress, unconcerned about the mud getting on the hem. The decorations you spent all day putting up are wet, and all the chairs remain propped up around the tables where the guests were going to eat dinner. You giggle as guests bat water off of the top of a canopy as water splashes out into the yard creating more mud. It’s your wedding day, and you are effortlessly happy.
You are Tatyana, and you are the coolest bride EVER!
What a fun time!
Comment by tatyana
June 13, 2005 @ 11:39 am
ABBY!! What a great wedding present! A blog entry about me! So glad you and your mom could come. You are both treasures, and my dad got a kick out of seeing you again! Jim and I had a blast, and we’re off on the honeymoon in 2 hours! Whee! (we’re bringing an umbrella….)