Adventures with Dr. Lady Cutie Troublemaker

Life is in flux BIG TIME these days. I want to keep in touch with all of my peeps. The Internet is this beautiful thing. I can move to a brand new city and still stay in easy, near-daily contact with the people I love. When I feel connected to the people in my life that matter, I am unstoppable!

Perfect Day

By Abby at 9:32 pm on Thursday, December 30, 2004

I woke up at 10:30am without a headache for the first time in many days. I tribed for 2 hours. I ate oatmeal, lovely oatmeal, the best food on earth. I paid some bills. I decided that after 48 hours in the apartment in my jammies, it was time to get outside. My goal was to take out the trash and get my New Year’s Day fixins lined up. I went to Easy Way and got TWO bunches of collards for a freakin’ DOLLAR! Next, I went to Otherlands Coffee Shop for coffee, food, and free WiFi. I ended up meeting three very lovely people who I spoke to for about an hour and a half. They were all in their late 20’s. Two were a couple visiting from New York. The woman had grown up in Memphis, and she was a weaver. The man was in training to be a Lutheran minister, but he was really cool, too! The third guy had grown up with the woman and was an intense opinionated sort. He’d actually been my waiter when I first moved here!

After that, I went to Shnuck’s (the other grocery store) to get the rest of the stuff. On my way in, I got a call from friends who said, "Let’s go out," and I was like YEAH! So they met me back at my place, and we went to Automatic Slim’s Tonga Lounge for a mighty fine meal, then we wandered around a very busy Beale Street amidst all the whatever-it-is Bowl fans with their bright orange and red shirts. After that, we went to the Peabody Hotel and had drinks in the lobby, then went up to the roof and wandered around, looked out of the city on a very pretty night, said hello to the ducks. I just got home. That was way fun! And dog gone-it! I forgot my camera! What was I thinking?! The only way this day could have been more perfect is if Aaron were here with me, but he’s arriving tomorrow. Maybe we can arrange another perfect day together. 😀

Tomorrow night is New Year’s Eve. I won’t go out cuz drunk drivers aren’t my bag, baby, but I will reflect a bit on the year. It’s been an action-packed one!

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