Bye Bye Life (R.I.P. Roy Scheider)
I’ve watched Roy Scheider acting out the theme of death over and over and over again, many MANY times. Why? Because I don’t know him best from Jaws. I know him best from All That Jazz. If you’ve never seen this movie, now is the time. I think people who don’t know what it is imagine that it’s a flashy Broadway musical. There’s a small element of that, but this is a brilliant film. It’s directed by Bob Fosse, and it’s a biography of his own life (and eventual death). Anyone who doesn’t like this film maybe just doesn’t get it. So anyway, without further ado, here’s Roy Scheider saying bye bye to life. It’s a celebration, tongue-in-cheek, but about as powerful as it gets. I had actually just watched this movie again last month.
Update: OMG, just came across a video a friend of mine made. I knew he was a big Roy Scheider fan, particularly All That Jazz, so I logged on to Tribe to see what kind of tribute he had going. Apparently, he’d coincidentally just finished making this video when he found out about Roy Scheider’s death. Check out All That Jaws: