Adventures with Dr. Lady Cutie Troublemaker

Life is in flux BIG TIME these days. I want to keep in touch with all of my peeps. The Internet is this beautiful thing. I can move to a brand new city and still stay in easy, near-daily contact with the people I love. When I feel connected to the people in my life that matter, I am unstoppable!

Say Goodbye

By Abby at 8:59 pm on Thursday, August 18, 2005

Aaron and I will be in town without plans at night next Tuesday through Saturday evenings/nights. Anyone wanna do anything any of those nights? Karaoke? A beer? More barbecue? BBQ Tofu Nachos? Gig?


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Changing Rooms

By Abby at 10:36 pm on Wednesday, August 17, 2005

It sure doesn’t look like this this anymore.

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Help Us Load the Truck!

By Abby at 5:04 pm on Saturday, August 13, 2005

OK, we’ve decided that maybe asking friends to help is our best option. I don’t have as much stuff as I had a year ago, and the couch will be out of here on Monday morning. Aaron and I figure we can load it ourselves pretty easily. If we had 2-3 helpers on Sunday, August 28th, we could probably get the entire truck loaded in about 2 hours. Any more than three will be overkill (we learned this when I moved from Bloomington).

Drop me a line if you’re interested in helping out:


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Getting Wistful

By Abby at 7:16 pm on Thursday, August 11, 2005

I just INHALED my Bar-B-Q Spaghetti. Man, it was good. I feel HUGE! It’s much better for my weight that I get out of here. I’ve gained about 10 pounds since I arrived, and I fear that trend would continue. While I was waiting for her to run my credit card on my takeout order, I was looking at the Flyer. "ATTENTION ELVI," it said. Apperantly, if you dress like Elvis, you get free food at several local eateries. Very strange stuff. See, this is my first August here, so it’s my first Elvis Week. I didn’t know stuff like this happened. Eric came in right about then, and we chatted about how Elvis  fans are dying off, and the people who make their living on all things Elvis are going to really hurt financially. How it’s this industry in Memphis. I guess that’s true. What a strange industry indeed. So Eric was talking about how they’ll do anything to create younger Elvis fans. We also talked a little about Hustle and Flow, which I still haven’t seen. I know, I’m lame. On the way out, these two women in a car said, "Excuse me! What’s your tattoo?"The woman on the driver’s side said, "Is it a butterfly?" I told her that it wasn’t; it’s a sun. The woman on the passenger side by the curb said, "TOLD YOU!" I chatted with them a little while longer, then drove home, and that’s when all that inhaling stuff started.

I just know I’m going to miss Memphis moments like this terribly. 

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Cracking Myself Up & Making Lists

By Abby at 6:11 pm on Thursday, August 11, 2005

My review of Do-Duds has gone LIVE! 😛

Also, anyone know of good affordable movers? I need to hire a coupla people to help me move these antiques I inherited from my folks, so they need to be good/experienced.

Also also, I’m keeping a little list of places I must go and things I must do before I leave town. Here’s the short first run:

  • BBQ Tofu Nachos at Tracks
  • Dish – Just again, because it was awesome
  • Karaoke. How have I not even one time karaoked in Memphis?
  • Neely’s BBQ – Somehow I never made it there
  • Delta tamales – somewhere – or one from P&H will do

I’m taking suggestions, too.

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