Where’s My Mountain?!
I hear there’s a big-ass mountain called Mount Rainier around here. It was visible from the plane, but not on my side, although I did get a peek. I thought I might see it from the ground, and I’ve had my eye out since I got here, but so far, no luck. Even when it has been perfectly clear, it has been just cloudy enough on the horizon to obscure my view of "my mountain." This morning, I decided to look into the view-of-Mount-Rainier-from-Seattle situation on Flickr, and I guess mountain views aren’t as common as I thought.
And so now I have a new goal before I leave. Either I will go on water in a boat of some kind OR I will go up in some tall building to see a better view of the city. We’ve done so much hanging out and wandering around that we haven’t really made much of an effort to hit all the must-see places. I’m wondering if the Seattle Library has a good view from the top. That might be a nice way to see a site and see a view at the same time.
Jon’s suggestions of seeing the bridge troll in Fremont and Gas Works Park have also gone unimplemented. I guess 3 days in a city isn’t as much as I’d imagined, but I’m still having a glorious time.
Oh, and when they say "The World’s Best Mac & Cheese," they aren’t fucking kidding!
Comment by Abby's mom
June 10, 2006 @ 8:05 pm
Hello. That’s what the space needle is for – viewing.