Adventures with Dr. Lady Cutie Troublemaker

Life is in flux BIG TIME these days. I want to keep in touch with all of my peeps. The Internet is this beautiful thing. I can move to a brand new city and still stay in easy, near-daily contact with the people I love. When I feel connected to the people in my life that matter, I am unstoppable!

Tell me about the job, Abby.

By Abby at 12:12 pm on Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I’m answering this multiple times a day right now, so I thought I’d put it all in one place. It’s hard to answer basic questions like “When do you start?” and “What will you be doing?” because the position is kind of not a position. It’s not a nice round peg to fit into a round hole. For the average worker, there are things like start dates and job duties and salaries. As a member of a small group practice, things are very square peggish.

So this is a brand new group practice. I am the third of three therapists. The other two are co-owners. The office has three therapist offices, a playroom, and a waiting room. In the hallway, there is a small fridge and microwave, and there is a printer in the closet. My office has a door AND a window (my dream). It’s furnished, which isn’t always the case in small group practices. Both of the other women work with children. I meet with them for the first time next week to discuss more of the nitty gritty stuff like getting me on insurance panels so that people’s insurance can cover their sessions with me.

I am not walking into a situation where things are happening already. As I begin, I will receive cases, but I can’t start 40 hours all at once. I will receive cases from them (aka “referrals” – they have done a lot of marketing already) as they are available. It will probably take a little time to build up to full time. They both said they consider 30 hours of appointments full-time. This is because there is a lot of paperwork and report writing that I will be doing that will take up the extra time in the week. The greater the percentage of time I spend doing assessments, the more writing time I need. Luckily, assessments pay very well, so I should have the time I need to write them.

Salary is hard to explain, too. One of the reasons I didn’t “hang out my own shingle” is that in order to do that, you have to have all the money you would have to rent an apartment: rent, utilities, etc. I can’t afford the initial output that would be required to go into business for myself, nor would I have (I feel) enough local connections for me to feel competent doing that. While I have excellent professional skills, they are somewhat generic, since I have done all my training in Indiana, Memphis, and Boston. I don’t know much about local resources, and that knowledge is important. Being in an office with people who can answer my questions is a real bonus. I’m lucky that I will still be receiving regular supervision for a while. For them, it is a way of getting to know how I work, quality control, and for me, I get the support I need since I’m still “new” to the area in a professional sense. There is a fee for each client coming in. I pay a certain percentage of what I bring in to the practice to cover all the expenses of working there. This arrangement was crucial for me because (like I said) I am not in a financial position to be able to cover that on my own.

What will I do? I will do what I do! What do I do? Individual, family, and group therapy; parent training; neuropsychological and psychoeducational assessment; consultation with parents and teachers. I do whatever I need to do to help the adults in a child’s life learn about how their child learns and how to advocate for them and support them. I do whatever I need to do for kids to succeed and work through issues they are having: emotionally, behaviorally, educationally, whatever “-ly” is relevant.

So in short, the whole ride starts next week, but it’s a gradual buildup, with lots of details to iron out. The business is new, and I’m even newer. There is a lot they need to do, and there is a lot I need to do, for the clients to start showing up. But the wheels have begun to turn, and that’s the most I can ask for right now.

This really is exactly what I was looking for all along. It’s a dream situation, and I’m feeling really grateful these days. Thanks, Universe! I know you’d come through!

Filed under: Professional Life,Stories From My Life4 Comments »

I’ve Been a Bad, Bad Girl.

By Abby at 1:27 am on Tuesday, March 18, 2008

At brunch the other day, my friend Drew mentioned that each person in Raleigh is supposed to try and keep their water usage under 35 gallons a day. (He clearly reads his bill more carefully than I do.) When I went to check my usage, I was at 52 whopping gallons a day! My first thought was that there had to be a leak. Second, I thought that most people in Raleigh are out of their homes using water elsewhere 40 hours a week, and I’m not. But still, I want to do whatever I can to get my water usage back where it should be. I’ve set up a little weekly calendar in the bathroom. I make myself check when I flush. It’s my little reminder to “let it mellow”, and I think it’s helping a lot. I went to Target and bought a lot of bottled drinking water. My only concern about it is that I have teeth that are very prone to decay, and this water doesn’t have fluoride in it. As a person who doesn’t shower every day (Oh just stop it. I have really dry skin.), I thought that I would be way below the average for sure. Guess I was wrong. Perhaps I’d better hang up a poster of Raleigh’s drought mascot, Rainy, to inspire me. What on earth?! I am amazed this actually exists!

Check your bill. How are you doing? It tells you right at the top.

Filed under: Raleigh and the Triangle8 Comments »

Atlanta Tornadoes on Flickr

By Abby at 12:34 am on Monday, March 17, 2008

I’ve done a search for you on Flickr to share with you the damage that was sustained during these tornadoes in downtown Atlanta. It’s really pretty mindblowing. This is something that just doesn’t happen in downtown Atlanta – at least it wasn’t supposed to.

Take a look: S L I D E S H O W

If you see any picture where you’d like more information, double click on the center of it, and you will see a description and a link to the picture page. There is some repetition in the pictures for two reasons. First, many people have uploaded pictures from media sources (the same picture uploaded many times). Second, there are many pictures of the same scene that are very similar to one another. Notice that you can speed up the rate pictures are shown to you at the bottom of the page.

This is a stunning set of images. I love that Flickr can do this for me: let me see what I couldn’t see from my home here in Raleigh.

Filed under: Georgia,Pictures2 Comments »

Atlanta Crazy Weather

By Abby at 12:40 am on Sunday, March 16, 2008

I spent 18 of my 38 years in Atlanta, and today and yesterday, they had some seriously bad weather – like nothing they’ve ever had. At least not that I can remember, or my parents can remember, or the local weatherman (Glenn Burns) can remember. My parents spent the day watching doppler radar. Lots of love to my people in the area. I couldn’t imagine that Atlanta would ever declare a state of emergency because of freakin’ TORNADOES! How crazy is that?

Link describing the crazy weather

Filed under: Family,Friends,Georgia1 Comment »

Trying Out Animoto

By Abby at 4:50 pm on Saturday, March 15, 2008

Neat! I tried out the 30 second version of Animoto, which is a new site that automatically puts together little videos for you, using the music of your choice. I’m definitely going to do some more of these. Neat!

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