Adventures with Dr. Lady Cutie Troublemaker

Life is in flux BIG TIME these days. I want to keep in touch with all of my peeps. The Internet is this beautiful thing. I can move to a brand new city and still stay in easy, near-daily contact with the people I love. When I feel connected to the people in my life that matter, I am unstoppable!

Bird Update: As much as I know

By Abby at 12:31 pm on Sunday, June 10, 2007

Thank you so much for the concern, everyone, and particular thanks to mom, Roger, and Brian for finding specific advice about baby birds fallen from the nest.

I have not gone to check whether the birds are alive since yesterday at around 4pm (when they definitely were). At that time, the baby birds were underneath the top layer of paper towel I’d put there. I don’t know if the mother bird covered them to keep them in the shade (it was hot), or if they got under there themselves. I have decided to leave the momma bird with everything I know to offer her to take care of the birds herself. I have the darkening curtain that covers the glass door to outside closed, and I’m trying to make any really loud noises in here. I don’t want to do anything to scare her away. As of yesterday at around 6pm, I did hear her out there. She chirps whenever she’s on the porch.

Here’s the really good news. The strainer that I left out there with about 15 pieces of cooked spaghetti is empty. While I am pretty much in the woods and there are lots of creatures around, the ONLY animals that have ever gotten on my porch besides little spiders, ant, and creepy crawlies, are birds. The get in through these little drainage holes at the top of the wood-framed screened in porches. So it isn’t that a scavenger squirrel or possum has gotten in. This spaghetti was definitely eaten by birds. Now maybe other birds came in and ate it all, but I really can’t see that happening. The porch bird sightings are rare, and I am choosing to believe that either momma birds is feeding this spaghetti to her young, or she’s just feasting on it herself. These are the only reasonable explanations given the setup out there.

As for moving the birds into the nest, I don’t think it’s possible. The nest is definitely on the outside of the porch, since there’s no hidden interior spaces where it would fit. The ceilings out there are high. I would need a tall ladder. I might be able to get a worker to bring one tomorrow, but I wonder about the disruption it might cause to get the birds and carry them outside and hoist them up the ladder. Maybe if I make more spaghetti and they seem stronger. I don’t know. I’ll ponder that today. I just loathe making a lot of clatter and scaring the mother away.

For all I know, the birds have died, but for now, I’m going to stay off the porch (kitties will have to deal) and occasionally provide more spaghetti as it disappears.

On a totally unrelated note, had a really fun day yesterday. Shopping with Brian and Shannon as they prepare for Bonnaroo, final home game bout of the Carolina Rollergirls, and a night shoot with the Raleigh Flickr Group. Watch my Flickr page for lots of pictures today.

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