Enjoy My OCD Daylight Graphs
My parents can’t take the stress of watching the election results come in, so they are heading even further away from civilization than they already are (a cabin in the woods) in their camper.
We’re off for two days camping in the morning. We’ll have a radio with earphones for my wife, but I’m going to try to wait until it’s all sorted out. The tedium of watching in 2004 was just too damned painful. May our collective Karma and Truth, Justice, and the American Way prevail.
I’m still feeling really sorry that I didn’t get my act together enough to be able to participate in this election. I’ve been so focused on my own “junk” that I’ve been pretty bad all year about getting the important details taken care of. I told the woman I live with that my parents were very disappointed in me for not registering, and she said, “I GAVE YOU THE FORM!” So I’m sorry to her, too. And to everyone else, too. I promise that It won’t happen again!
I’ve seen a lot of blog posts this morning reminding me to vote (I really am so sorry), but these are my favorites:
Sign (obviously) altered for Kristin’s pleasure!
This is what Pinky does when Kristin leaves:
Jumping Bean/Pinky on Vimeo