Why didn’t I think of checking this site before now?! Sometimes it’s best to start with the simplest instructions. Like you’re learning about a complex topic, and to get started, you check the 3rd grade textbook for the most basic overview. You get the more detailed stuff later on. Tonight I made a tiny bit of headway. I called my friend in Raleigh and asked if he’d be interested in renting out his extra bedroom for my first month there while I’m getting started. It will save me a bundle, and it will just simplify the whole situation. I can search for a place to live from there instead of long-distance. Seems a better way to go… with a tiny bit of familiar. AND he’s not allergic to cats AND he recently quit smoking AND he’d off visiting his girlfriend in another town fairly often. Plus, he knows cool people, and he IS cool people. Ideal. Only problem is that I don’t think he has internet. Eek!