Adventures with Dr. Lady Cutie Troublemaker

Life is in flux BIG TIME these days. I want to keep in touch with all of my peeps. The Internet is this beautiful thing. I can move to a brand new city and still stay in easy, near-daily contact with the people I love. When I feel connected to the people in my life that matter, I am unstoppable!

Help Us Load the Truck!

By Abby at 5:04 pm on Saturday, August 13, 2005

OK, we’ve decided that maybe asking friends to help is our best option. I don’t have as much stuff as I had a year ago, and the couch will be out of here on Monday morning. Aaron and I figure we can load it ourselves pretty easily. If we had 2-3 helpers on Sunday, August 28th, we could probably get the entire truck loaded in about 2 hours. Any more than three will be overkill (we learned this when I moved from Bloomington).

Drop me a line if you’re interested in helping out:


Filed under: Memphis,Moving14 Comments »


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Comment by parental unit

August 14, 2005 @ 8:31 am

Let the movement begin!

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Comment by Abby

August 14, 2005 @ 8:52 am

So far no volunteers. Did I mention I’ll do it at the coolest time of day and provide food?

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Comment by Aaron H

August 14, 2005 @ 9:00 am

What about beer?

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Comment by Abby

August 14, 2005 @ 10:08 am

If you want. Honestly, I’d prefer lemonade! Yeah! I’ll make homemade lemonade! But I’ll have some beers, too. And Shirley Temples, if any helpers are interested (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).

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Comment by Len Cleavelin

August 14, 2005 @ 2:28 pm

What time are you proposing for this dignified insurrection? I don’t do mornings well (then again, it’s not like beer is a morning thang….).

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Comment by Abby

August 14, 2005 @ 7:32 pm

I’m willing to do it any time people are willing to help, and I’m especially interested in time when it’s not swelteringly hot outside.

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Comment by Simon

August 15, 2005 @ 5:44 am

That would be October….

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Comment by Abby

August 15, 2005 @ 9:07 am

Seriously! You wanna help, Simon?! 😀

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Comment by Simon

August 15, 2005 @ 9:52 am

Like the whole iPod thing wasn’t enough, huh? 😉

But, yes, sure. I can help. Just email me the deets…

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Comment by Abby

August 15, 2005 @ 12:05 pm

I am deeply indebted to you for “the whole iPod thing.” 😀

Deets to come.

You know what, Len. I think it may have to be the morning. The sofa guys came today, and it was hot as hell by 9:15am. I can’t imagine loading the truck in the afternoon. But I’m still somewhat flexible. And if that’s the only time that anyone can come, then that’s how it has to be. Anyone else? Bueller? Bueller?

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Comment by Eric

August 15, 2005 @ 1:07 pm

Well, best of luck on your move.

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Comment by Abby

August 15, 2005 @ 7:53 pm

Hey thanks!

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Comment by Len Cleavelin

August 16, 2005 @ 8:57 am

I’ve been served notice that A Great And Good Friend is also moving by September 1, and if there’s a scheduling conflict I owe her more than I owe you and Aaron (that sounds more mercenary than it I mean; hope you understand), so that duty may call. But drop me an email with the time when you decide on it, and if it’s in the morning (and my obligation to my GAGF doesn’t interfere) I’ll still do my damndest to drag my sorry ass out of bed and lend a hand. Ok?

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Comment by Abby

August 16, 2005 @ 3:02 pm

OK, sounds completely reasonable to me.

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