Do I look tired? I *feel* tired. This is me, today, exhausted, puffy eyes, chapped nose, having a happy moment.
What is Going On Right Now
I’m in my study, boxes all around me, although the center of the floor is finally cleared out. Jeep and Maggie are going nuts because of a Blue Jay on the deck. Jeep has been a little happier. All the pre-yard sale hubbub and the vet was more than she could bear. I gave her the anti-depressant for one day, a day she spent napping and wobbly-legged. I didn’t give it to her again, and she seems fine. It’s like she just gets so very wound up that she just needs one day of forced chilling, and she’s back to normal.
My Mozilla Firelemur just became Mozilla Firekoala, which was fun. I’m also plotting my next packing challenge, and I’m trying to figure out how long I can go without going back into the attic.
I’ve been having terrible eye problems lately, and they seem to worsen whenever I enter dusty places like my parents’ basement or my pull-down attic. It starts with itchy eye from allergies. Then there’s the rubbing of said eyes while I sleep. Then they itch during the day, so I put drops in them, but the drops give me a bit of a skin condition around my eye skin. This is such an Abby-type problem. Oh, to have resilient skin and a resilient constitution. What I wouldn’t give! Instead, it’s this Princess and the Pea shit every damn time!
I will now say goodbye using my spiffy Mozilla Superphoenix browser. This is the life!
Dr. Bronner’s Magical Soap
Oh I’m so very excited. I’ve found a copy of the Doctor Bronner’s soap label online. You don’t think this is interesting? You clearly haven’t seen the soap label! There are refs to God, Spaceship Earth, Socialism, Jesus, Hillel, Einstein, miracle cures, life-changing hygiene… oh it’s so much fun! If you had trouble reading from the label, try this page instead. In high school, my friend Lesley and I used to always say, “Dilute! Dilute! OK!” and “Eat hunza type food.” Man, those were the days.
On a somewhat related yet somewhat unrelated note, if you like the Dr. Bronner’s Soap label, you’ll LOVE this diner menu. Look at it. It’s really insane!
Jeep is Sad
I’m sad because Jeep is sad. She clearly knows something is up. She had a terrible time going to the vet the other day. She meowed her head off the whole 10 feet drive there and back. She was not impressed with the vet either. And then this weekend, she started getting really hissy again. On Saturday, she swatted and hissed at three different people – really atypical behavior for her. On Sunday, she hissed and swatted at me, which has never happened before. I’d gotten a month’s worth of antidepressants for her trip to Memphis, since she’s gone a bit nuts during large changes before. I’ve seen it, and it isn’t pretty, and she isn’t happy. So last night, I gave her the first pill. She is pretty mellow today, sleeping a lot (on a black suitcase, of course – those are her favorites). I hate doing this, but the alternative is to let her stay wired and stressed and unhappy. Ugh. Medicating my cat. Where did I fail as a good kitty-mama?
Keep her in your thoughts and send many good vibes her way. Change isn’t her strong suit.